WITH A THEMATIC COMMENTARY MOHAMMED ABDUL KADER QSET is a verbatim reading of the Holy Quran in simple English. No additional words or brackets are used to elucidate the meaning of the sacred text. It is rendered in the light of the Tradition of the Prophet (PBUH) and is validated by a council of scholars in India. QSET also gives a short thematic commentary explaining the verses of the Holy Book. In the centuries-long history of the Quranic exegesis known as Tafsir, “THE QURAN: STANDARD ENGLISH TRANSLATION (QSET)©” is the first complete commentary of the Quran focusing methodically on God’s mercy. In an introduction to his work, the translator presents a guiding truth he discerned from the Quran: God is Mercy. God’s mercy embraces every being and shapes every single law in the Quran. Before giving all creation any law, God decreed a law on Himself: Mercy. 6:54 … Your Lord wrote on Himself mercy… (The Quran) Teachings of former Holy Scriptures, including the Bible, are also glimpsed through the work. A translation that reveals the depths of God’s immense sea of mercy, QSET will rekindle faith in all those who have lost hope in mercy and forgiveness of the Creator of humankind. It will also disprove the sceptics who propagate that God in the Quran is a merciless being; and will convince them that He is the Lord of Mercy.
Product Description
- CategoryQuran Translation
- Publishing Date2021-04-29
- Pages:3 Volumespages
- ISBN9788195370009
- BindingHard Binding
- LanguangeEnglish